
Mechanische Industrie Menzing is a leading first line supplier to international organizations in the field of power generation.
We believe in quality, reliability and flexibility. Our organization focuses on creating opportunities which are geared towards a client’s success.

MENZING is a market leader in its field. This position is due to its staff.


It is our policy to help our staff develop their individual talents and characteristics. Do what you do best and do what is best suited to you. We have tried to create a working environment which is geared towards fun, learning and results. We help our staff develop by offering both internal and external courses. Each member of staff (employee) is responsible for their role in helping to achieve common goals both internally as well as with our clients. A pro-active attitude when it comes to helping to think of ideas to help clients cut costs, ascertain the feasibility of a product or to help improve quality. Our employees are expected to help our clients feel at ease through active communication with them. This includes proactive activities to help our services meet our clients’ needs. This may include the provision of a coating, surface treatments, certified welding work, research into materials, research into welding, looking at new ways of treating materials together with out partners, etc. Our flexible attitude means we are able to meet the changing needs when it comes to capacity, service, technical and logistics demands.

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